
CMU 15-445 Lecture #22: Introduction to Distributed Databases

CMU 15-445 Database Systems

Lecture #22: Introduction to Distributed Databases

Introduction Distributed DBMSs

  • 辨析概念:Parallel DBMSs vs Distributed DBMSs

  • Parallel DBMSs:

    • Nodes are physically close to each other.
    • Nodes connected with high-speed LAN(Local Area Network).
    • Communication cost is assumed to be small.
  • Distributed DBMSs:

    • Nodes can be far from each other.
    • Nodes connected using public network.
    • Communication cost and problems cannot be ignored
  • 主要的差别是通信代价,前者可以忽略,后者无法忽略

  • Single node -> Distributed DBMSs
  • Questions to consider
    • Optimization & Planning
    • Concurrency Control
    • Logging & Recovery

System Architectures

  • A distributed DBMS’s system architecture specifies what shared resources are directly accessible to CPUs.

  • This affects how CPUs coordinate with each other and where they retrieve/store objects in the database.

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Every database node are on the same machine(Extreme Situations), like parallel DBMSs, ignore it(
  • 注意上面图片不是被许多XXX共享就证明其他的机器就那一个组件,为了跑起来基本的OS, CPU, memory和disk都要有,不过是那些部分参与到这个分布式的系统中

  • shared memory

  • /img/CMU 15-445 Database Systems/chapter22-2.png
    A large memory and a large disk, both of them are shared by many cpus by network
    • Nodes access a common memory address space via a fast interconnect.

    • Can still use local memory / disk for intermediate results

  • This looks a lot like shared everything. Nobody does this.(我认为原因是CPU要通过网络来访问内存,内存最大的优势”高速“直接没了)

  • 在单体架构上面有使用,多路服务器(多个CPU,每个CPU多核来提高并发能力,中间是通过高速总线相连的)

  • shared disk

  • /img/CMU 15-445 Database Systems/chapter22-3.png
    large disk, shared by many cpus and memories
    • Nodes access a single logical disk via an interconnect, but each have their own private memories.

    • Scale execution layer independently from the storage layer.(解耦了执行层和存储层,可以独立拓展来加强单个层的性能)

    • This architecture facilitates data lakes and serverless systems.???没太懂

  • 该架构在近年新的数据库产品中使用的及其广泛,原因就是近些年云技术的兴起,大多数公司都趋向于购买云数据库,而在云厂商的机房中很容易就能做到这种架构(云计算在设计的时候就把计算和存储分开了,所以机房往往是计算服务器和磁盘集群式分开的,每个部分取一些就是这个架构)

  • 国内该架构的代表:PolarDB

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  • /img/CMU 15-445 Database Systems/chapter22-6.png

  • shared nothing

  • /img/CMU 15-445 Database Systems/chapter22-4.png
    Most common situations
  • Each DBMS node has its own CPU, memory, and local disk.

  • Nodes only communicate with each other via network

    • Better performance & efficiency.

    • Harder to scale capacity.

    • Harder to ensure consistency.

    • 单层扩容(加一台机器所有能力都上去了,其他性能提示的效果因为短板效应被浪费了)和保证一致性都做的不好(数据不在同一块盘上面)

    • 好处:和上面shared disk相比把盘肢解了并放在本地,提升了部分性能

  • 这类架构也在现在的分布式数据库产品中大量使用,代表产品是Redis

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Design Issues

Homogeneous Nodes vs. Heterogeneous Nodes:

  • Homogeneous Nodes

    • Every node in the cluster can perform the same set of tasks (albeit on potentially different partitions of data).

    • Makes provisioning and failover “easier”.

  • Heterogenous Nodes
    • Nodes are assigned specific tasks.
    • Can allow a single physical node to host multiple “virtual” node types for dedicated tasks.
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Heterogenous Nodes on mongodb


    • Applications should not be required to know where data is physically located in a distributed DBMS

    • Any query that run on a single-node DBMS should produce the same result on a distributed DBMS.

  • ! In practice, developers need to be aware of the communication costs of queries to avoid excessively “expensive” data movement.


    • Split database across multiple resources:

      • Disks, nodes, processors.

      • Often called “sharding” in NoSQL systems.

  • The DBMS executes query fragments on each partition and then combines the results to produce a single answer.

  • The DBMS can partition a database physically(shared nothing) or logically (shared disk).


    • Assign an entire table to a single node.

    • Assumes that each node has enough storage space for an entire table.

    • Ideal if queries never join data across tables stored on different nodes and access patterns are uniform.

    • 主要弱点是JOIN


    • Split a table’s tuples into disjoint subsets based on some partitioning key and scheme.
    • Choose column(s) that divides the database equally in terms of size, load, or usage.
  • Partitioning Schemes:

    → Hashing

    → Ranges

    → Predicates

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  • 物理分区和逻辑分区
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shared memory 架构下的分布式数据库不做物理分区,他的分区就是逻辑上把不同数据的查询分配给了不同的节点,物理分区常见于shared nothing架构

Distributed Concurrency Control

  • If our DBMS supports multi-operation and distributed txns, we need a way to coordinate their execution in the system.

  • Two different approaches:

    • Centralized: Global “traffic cop”(“交警”).

    • Decentralized: Nodes organize themselves.


  • A TP Monitor is an example of a centralized coordinator for distributed DBMSs. Originally developed in the 1970-80s to provide txns between terminals and mainframe databases.

    • → Examples: ATMs, Airline Reservations.

    • Standardized protocol from 1990s: X/Open XA

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  • 现在用的不多,单点很容易造成性能瓶颈

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在节点中选出来一个Leader(老版本是master+slave,后面因为政治原因不让用了,新版的数据库文档都没有这个词了),选出来的Leader就担任了上面TP Monitor的事务职责


    • Many of the same protocols from single-node DBMSs can be adapted.

    • This is harder because of:

      • → Replication.
      • → Network Communication Overhead.
      • → Node Failures (Permanent + Ephemeral).
      • → Clock Skew.(时钟不同步)
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