CMU 15-445 Lecture #14: Query Execution II
CMU 15-445 Database Systems
Lecture #14: Query Execution II
- 上节课讨论了DBMS的执行过程
- 这节课讨论DBMS在多线程下的执行过程
Parallel vs Distributed Databases
Parallel DBMSs
- 资源都在一块,离得很近
- 资源通信很高速,OS内通信
- 线程间的通信高速又可靠
Distributed Databases
- 资源相互之间离得很远
- 资源之间的通信很慢
- 节点之间通信的代价很高且不可靠
Process Models
- 模型:认为每个DBMS下面有多个worker,多个worker并行处理
- 这个模型针对的是多个SQL并发执行的问题,不能做个单个SQL并发处理的问题
- Process per Worker
- 每一个worker给分配一个进程(OS级别的)
- 依赖OS对进程的调度
- 用共享内存来进行通信
- 优点:一个进程崩了不至于让整个系统宕机
- 例子:Oracle,Postgres(因为开发年代太古早)
- Thread per Worker
- pthread统一出现后各大数据库也把模型换成了给worker分配线程
- 优点:线程切换代价小,内存天然共享
- 缺点:一个线程崩了整个进程跟着崩
- 例子:MySQL,IBM DB2
- In conclusion, for each query plan, the DBMS has to decide where, when, and how to execute. Relevant
questions include:
- How many tasks should it use?
- How many CPU cores should it use?
- What CPU cores should the tasks execute on?
- Where should a task store its output?
- When making decisions regarding query plans, the DBMS always knows more than the OS and should be prioritized as such.
- In conclusion, for each query plan, the DBMS has to decide where, when, and how to execute. Relevant
questions include:
Inter-Query Parallelism
- 多个SQL之间怎么并发执行
- 如果并发的查询都是只读的,那冲突很小
- 如果并发的查询涉及更新数据,那冲突就很多且不可避免
Intra-Query parallelism (Horizontal)
Exchange Type #1 – Gather
- → Combine the results from multiple workers into a single output stream.
Exchange Type #2 – Distribute
- → Split a single input stream into multiple output streams.
Exchange Type #3 – Repartition
- → Shuffle multiple input streams across multiple output streams.
Inter-Operator parallelism (Vertical)
- 垂直切,让多个算子并发执行,数据在每个算子之间流动
- Also called pipeline parallelism.
- 缺点:中间一个线程处理的速度慢,其他部分线程就要等,会浪费
Bushy Parallelism
- 上面两种并发方式的结合
I/O Parallelism
- Split the DBMS across multiple storage devices to improve disk bandwidth latency.Many different options that have trade-offs:
- → Multiple Disks per Database
- → One Database per Disk
- → One Relation per Disk
- → Split Relation across Multiple Disks
- Some DBMSs support this natively. Others require admin to configure outside of DBMS.
- Multi-Disk Parallelism
- 在操作系统/硬件层面让不同的DBMS文件去不同的磁盘(e.g. RAID),这个层面对DBMS是透明的(对于他来说就像操作一个盘一样)
- 多盘并发
- Database Partitioning
- 把数据库也进行切分
- 不同的库存在不同的盘,如果有统一恢复用的log文件要记得做好共享问题
- 把单个的表进行分区,物理存储上分成多个部分,注意,这个分区对应用程序来说要是透明的,不需要关心数据如何存储的
Parallel execution is important, which is why (almost) every major DBMS supports it.
However, it is hard to get right.
- → Coordination Overhead
- → Scheduling
- → Concurrency Issues
- → Resource Contention