CMU 15-445 Lecture #22: Introduction to Distributed Databases
CMU 15-445 Database Systems
Lecture #22: Introduction to Distributed Databases
Introduction Distributed DBMSs
辨析概念:Parallel DBMSs vs Distributed DBMSs
Parallel DBMSs:
- Nodes are physically close to each other.
- Nodes connected with high-speed LAN(Local Area Network).
- Communication cost is assumed to be small.
Distributed DBMSs:
- Nodes can be far from each other.
- Nodes connected using public network.
- Communication cost and problems cannot be ignored
- Single node -> Distributed DBMSs
- Questions to consider
- Optimization & Planning
- Concurrency Control
- Logging & Recovery
System Architectures
A distributed DBMS’s system architecture specifies what shared resources are directly accessible to CPUs.
This affects how CPUs coordinate with each other and where they retrieve/store objects in the database.

- 注意上面图片不是被许多XXX共享就证明其他的机器就那一个组件,为了跑起来基本的OS, CPU, memory和disk都要有,不过是那些部分参与到这个分布式的系统中
shared memory
A large memory and a large disk, both of them are shared by many cpus by network -
Nodes access a common memory address space via a fast interconnect.
Can still use local memory / disk for intermediate results
This looks a lot like shared everything. Nobody does this.(我认为原因是CPU要通过网络来访问内存,内存最大的优势”高速“直接没了)
shared disk
large disk, shared by many cpus and memories -
Nodes access a single logical disk via an interconnect, but each have their own private memories.
Scale execution layer independently from the storage layer.(解耦了执行层和存储层,可以独立拓展来加强单个层的性能)
This architecture facilitates data lakes and serverless systems.???没太懂
查询过程,可以看到执行层和存储层分开了,Node数量决定计算能力,存储大小决定存储能力 -
shared nothing
Most common situations -
Each DBMS node has its own CPU, memory, and local disk.
Nodes only communicate with each other via network
Better performance & efficiency.
Harder to scale capacity.
Harder to ensure consistency.
好处:和上面shared disk相比把盘肢解了并放在本地,提升了部分性能

Design Issues
Homogeneous Nodes vs. Heterogeneous Nodes:
Homogeneous Nodes
Every node in the cluster can perform the same set of tasks (albeit on potentially different partitions of data).
Makes provisioning and failover “easier”.
- Heterogenous Nodes
- Nodes are assigned specific tasks.
- Can allow a single physical node to host multiple “virtual” node types for dedicated tasks.

Applications should not be required to know where data is physically located in a distributed DBMS
Any query that run on a single-node DBMS should produce the same result on a distributed DBMS.
! In practice, developers need to be aware of the communication costs of queries to avoid excessively “expensive” data movement.
Split database across multiple resources:
Disks, nodes, processors.
Often called “sharding” in NoSQL systems.
The DBMS executes query fragments on each partition and then combines the results to produce a single answer.
The DBMS can partition a database physically(shared nothing) or logically (shared disk).
Assign an entire table to a single node.
Assumes that each node has enough storage space for an entire table.
Ideal if queries never join data across tables stored on different nodes and access patterns are uniform.
- Split a table’s tuples into disjoint subsets based on some partitioning key and scheme.
- Choose column(s) that divides the database equally in terms of size, load, or usage.
Partitioning Schemes:
→ Hashing
→ Ranges
→ Predicates


- 物理分区和逻辑分区

Distributed Concurrency Control
If our DBMS supports multi-operation and distributed txns, we need a way to coordinate their execution in the system.
Two different approaches:
→ Centralized: Global “traffic cop”(“交警”).
→ Decentralized: Nodes organize themselves.
A TP Monitor is an example of a centralized coordinator for distributed DBMSs. Originally developed in the 1970-80s to provide txns between terminals and mainframe databases.
→ Examples: ATMs, Airline Reservations.
Standardized protocol from 1990s: X/Open XA

- 现在用的不多,单点很容易造成性能瓶颈

Many of the same protocols from single-node DBMSs can be adapted.
This is harder because of:
- → Replication.
- → Network Communication Overhead.
- → Node Failures (Permanent + Ephemeral).
- → Clock Skew.(时钟不同步)